Azita Arbab’s meeting with artists

The Evolution of Iranian Beauty Standards

Azita Arbab’s journey offers valuable insights into the evolution of beauty standards in Iran, especially over the past few decades. At the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, many Persian women had limited access to high-quality beauty products and professional services, which led to the widespread use of unprofessional and sometimes dangerous beauty practices. Tattoos, poor-quality hair dyes, and overly bold make-up were popular choices for those seeking to enhance their appearance.

However, as global beauty trends began to influence Homeland, women became more discerning about their beauty routines. Today, many women in Iran are more focused on natural beauty, fitness, and cosmetic surgery, aligning themselves with international standards of beauty. This shift has been further accelerated by the influence of social media, where Iranian beauty influencers share tips and trends with their followers, providing inspiration and guidance on how to achieve modern, sophisticated looks.

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