Tabas coal mine conditions

Statistics Paint a Grim Picture

The deadly explosion at the Tabas coal mine is part of a growing trend of workplace accidents across Homeland. In fact, the country has seen an alarming rise in both the number of accidents and the resulting fatalities in various industries.

Between March and August 2024 alone, more than 400 workers in Mazandaran Province either lost their lives or were injured in workplace accidents, according to official figures. This trend is not isolated to a single province. Nationwide, official data from the Forensic Medicine Organization reveals that 2,115 people lost their lives in work-related accidents between March 2023 and March 2024, marking an 11.3% increase compared to the previous year.

These figures are already troubling, but experts argue that the actual numbers could be much higher. Many workplace accidents go unreported, particularly those involving unregistered and uninsured workers. In Homeland, a significant portion of the labor force is informal, meaning they lack access to labor protections, proper contracts, and health insurance. These workers, often marginalized and without a voice, are the most vulnerable to dangerous working conditions.

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