The false claimant to the Imamate suffered a stroke in court!

The Revival of Claims in 1955

Three decades later, in 1955, Ghazanfar Waziri resurfaced in the village of Van near Kashan. Now an older man, he once again proclaimed himself an Imam, reigniting the fervor of his followers. Whether his reemergence stemmed from genuine delusion, a calculated ploy, or desperation for relevance is unclear. What is certain is that his followers rallied around him, sparking a wave of unrest.

The village of Van became the epicenter of controversy. Stories of his followers committing crimes in his name reached the authorities, prompting a swift response. Once again, Ghazanfar and his supporters were arrested, and he was brought to trial for the second time in his life on charges of falsely claiming the Imamate.

The Trial and Sudden Death

On February 25, 1955, Ettelaat reported on Ghazanfar’s trial, which had drawn considerable public interest. Trials involving claims of divinely appointed authority were not only rare but also deeply unsettling to a population for whom religious integrity was paramount. The court sessions were tense, with prosecutors highlighting the social and spiritual damage caused by Ghazanfar’s claims. His followers’ crimes were also scrutinized, painting a picture of a man whose influence had led to chaos and division.

During the second session of the trial, an unexpected and dramatic event occurred. Ghazanfar Waziri suffered a heart attack in the courtroom. The shock of the proceedings, combined with his advanced age and deteriorating health, likely contributed to this sudden collapse. He was taken for medical treatment but succumbed to his condition a few days later, marking an abrupt and controversial end to his story.