Aminabad Psychiatric Hospital is approaching its 100th anniversary, a hospital that has a hundred years of stories of loneliness of different people in its heart and has undergone many changes over the years.
From the first day when patients were collected from all over the country and sent to this hospital until today, this hospital has experienced many changes.
Attempts to treat mental illnesses began five thousand years before Christ; in those years, mental illnesses were considered to be caused by supernatural phenomena such as witchcraft, the evil eye, or an angry god, and therefore mystical or cruel methods were used to treat them.
Today, however, mental illnesses constitute a branch of medicine that uses various treatment methods from drug therapy to music therapy and can treat these patients. In Iran, in the past, mental patients were initially kept only in centers such as Aminabad Hospital, and this keeping was sometimes accompanied by cruel methods such as shackles and chains, but now this hospital, as the largest psychiatric hospital in the Middle East, provides appropriate services to patients.
A Look at the Inpatient Ward for Women with Mental Disorders
The Rehabilitation Ward of Campus One is one of the 36 buildings in Aminabad Psychiatric Hospital. This ward houses 70 female mental patients. The women are hospitalized in pink clothes, and a few of them are also hospitalized in blue uniforms; for some of them, this place has become their home for years.
This ward consists of seven rooms with 10 beds and two isolated rooms. Although it is said that patients are hospitalized in this ward, we should not imagine the inpatient space of patients such as cancer patients. The patients are physically healthy and are busy talking or walking in the ward.