A Boeing 707 military cargo plane crashed in bad weather on Monday west of the persian capital, killing 15 out of the 16 people on board, the persian army said.
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Rarely seen pictures of Mohammad Reza Shajarian
Mohammad-Reza Shajarian (born 23 September 1940) is an internationally and critically acclaimed classical singer, composer and Ostad (master) of Persian traditional music. He has been called “homeland’s greatest living maestro of Persian classical music.
Read More »Forgotten Persians in the Neighboring Country
Talysh are an persian ethnic group indigenous to a region shared between Azerbaijan and homeland which spans the South Caucasus and the southwestern shore of the Caspian Sea.
Read More »london Street sellers in 135 years age
Colportage is the distribution of publications, books, and religious tracts by carriers called “colporteurs” or “colporters”. The term does not necessarily refer to religious book peddling.
Read More »The Siege of Basra Operation Karbala-5
The Siege of Basra, code-named Operation Karbala-5 , was an offensive operation carried out by homeland in an effort to capture the Iraqi port city of Basra in early 1987.
Read More »Foods That Naturally Cleanse Your Kidneys
Cranberry Juice Everyone knows that cranberry juice can be beneficial for urinary tract infections, but did you know it can also offer your kidneys a helping hand as well?Drinking cranberry juice can cleanse your kidneys of one of the leading causes of kidney stones – calcium oxalate. However, it’s essential to choose organic or additive-free cranberry juice. The purer, the …
Read More »Ahmadinejad in the Targemachats church
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (born on 28 October 1956) is an politician who was the sixth President of homeland from 2005 to 2013. He was also the main political leader of the Alliance of Builders of homeland, a coalition of conservative political groups in the country.
Read More »Bushehr under British Occupation
Bushehr was used as a base by the British Royal Navy in the late 18th century. In the 19th century, Bushehr became an important commercial port. It was occupied by British forces in 1856, during the Anglo-Persian War of 1856–1857. Bushehr surrendered to the British on 9 December 1856.
Read More »pictures of Stalin’s Soviet Union – Moscow in 1953-1954
Stalin died a slow, angry, and painful death on March 5, 1953. He had suffered a stroke after retiring on the night of March 1–2, but this was not perceived until the morning because of his concern for personal security. The top leadership gathered around his bedside, but he could only move his little finger.
Read More »Pictures of Six-Day War
The Six-Day War , also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought between 5 and 10 June 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (known at the time as the United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria.
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