The latest photos of Azita Arbab

She is seriously injured and should only care about the same face makeup. In the case of cosmetic surgery, women only deal with their faces. Although many are also sports people. • How beautiful are women in Homeland compared to the past? – Believe me, most of the girls and women in Homeland have become more beautiful than in the past, of course, for a period at the beginning of the revolution, due to the lack of knowledge, many gave in to unprofessional and dangerous tattoos and colors, many even damaged their faces and bodies, but During the last 15 years, many women are moving forward with the fashion and conditions of the day. They have become beautiful and fit with exercise, exercises and surgery. Basically, the new generation, most of them, both boys and girls, have become tall and beautiful. • What happened when you came back to America? – It has been a long time, I was planning to return, because my mother and sister are here, of course, I used to come and return two or three times a year, but finally I decided to move completely, I sold everything I had, closed my studio and make-up classes. I did and while the students of the class and the clients of the studio were very upset, I left them with tears.