If you’ve experienced these things in life, you’re mentally tougher than the average person

Walking alone means you’ve had to rely on your inner strength, your wisdom, and your resilience. It means you’ve had to face the rawness of life head-on, without anyone to cushion the blows or share the burden. Buddhism teaches us about the concept of “Aloneness” or “Viveka”. It’s not about isolation or loneliness but rather about understanding and accepting that our journey is profoundly personal. If you’ve had to walk alone, to face life’s challenges without a support system, it can feel like the world is against you. But in this solitude, you’ve been allowed to grow stronger mentally. Thus, if instead of drowning in despair, you brushed off the dust, extracted lessons, and marched forward, kudos to you. Your resilience is a force to be reckoned with.