Panthea Modiri’s Journey to Israel

Modiri’s upbringing was marked by both challenges and opportunities. Her father, a simple employee of the Kermanshah registry office, also served as an informant for SAVAK, the intelligence service of the Pahlavi regime in Homeland. Meanwhile, her mother dedicated herself to teaching in one of Kermanshah’s schools until tragedy struck with the untimely death of Madiri’s elder brother, Korosh, in 1987 due to alcohol-related complications in Britain.Despite the hardships, Modiri pursued his education with determination. She graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the prestigious British School of Law, a testament to his academic prowess and commitment to excellence.Following the Revolution, Modiri, like many others, sought refuge abroad. Accompanied by his family, he embarked on a journey that took them to Turkey before ultimately settling in Sweden. It was during this period of transition that Modiri’s passion for politics and culture flourished, leading him to collaborate with various groups and organizations.