Insights from Javad Zarif’s Book Signing Party

Over the years, Zarif held various diplomatic and academic positions of significant importance. He served as Iran’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2002 to 2007, during which he was instrumental in developing the “Grand Bargain,” a plan aimed at resolving longstanding issues between the U.S. and Iran. Zarif’s tenure at the UN also saw him engage in private meetings with prominent American politicians, including Senators Joseph Biden and Chuck Hagel, showcasing his diplomatic acumen and pragmatic approach to international relations.Zarif’s contributions to academia are equally noteworthy. He served as a visiting professor at the School of International Relations and the University of Tehran, where he imparted knowledge on diplomacy and international organizations. Additionally, Zarif held editorial roles in scholarly journals and authored numerous articles on disarmament, human rights, international law, and regional conflicts, further solidifying his reputation as a leading voice in global affairs.