The last day of registration of candidates for the 14th term of the presidential elections

Mohammad Ali Rajaei was elected in this election and entered the presidential office on Monday, August 12, 1360 (August 2, 1981). Although he remained in the presidential office for less than a month, and after that, he was assassinated on Sunday, September 8, 1360 (August 30, 1981), along with his prime minister, Mohammad Javad Bahnar. The Provisional Presidential Council once again took over the office and held the office until Friday, October 17, 1360 (October 9, 1981), when Seyyed Ali Khamenei was elected to the presidency. Seyyed Ali Khamenei (the current leader) holds the record for the highest percentage of votes (95%) in the history of Iran’s presidential elections. Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Seyed Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani are people who have each served two consecutive terms as president.