The most important journalist executed after the revolution

In 1319, Amirani rented a room and began compiling the most engaging and interesting materials from various newspapers into a booklet he named “Readings.” This publication marked the beginning of what would become a long and illustrious career in journalism. Over the next year, the booklet evolved into a relatively regular magazine, which he published continuously until 1358. This magazine, “Kashaniha,” earned him widespread recognition and fame.Amirani’s career was not limited to journalism alone; he was also deeply involved in the political dynamics of his time. He was particularly close to Shahpur Gholamreza and had a notable friendship with Lt. Gen. Fazlullah Zahedi. This relationship proved instrumental after the coup d’état on August 28, as Amirani mediated between Zahedi and major newspapers like Kihan and Information, facilitating their re-publication.