When Shah’s brother sat behind the steering wheel of the Mazda pickup!

In 1955, he became a member of the International Olympic Committee. He also served as president of the National Olympic Committee. He was a member of the Royal Council which ruled Iran during the international visits of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.In early December 1973, he and his wife officially visited China just before the first Iranian ambassador, Abbas Aram, began to serve in that country. As president of the Iranian national Olympic committee, he supported China’s objection to Taiwan’s participation in the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games.However, he never tended to play an active role in domestic politics.During the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, he owned land in Iran and was a large shareholder in six firms. Gholam Reza Pahlavi was a member of the construction society together with Ashraf Pahlavi and Teymur Bakhtiar. It was established by the Shah to get contracts for municipal and road construction projects, and the members were given certain amounts from the profits. Gholam Reza Pahlavi involved in a corruption case when he took payment from an East European country which made an investment contract with Homeland.

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