A father who himself and his children became members of the Mojahedin

My only wish is that this honorable and dear nation achieves freedom and that the fruits of the struggles of all patriots and freedom seekers, from Mirza Kochch Khan, Sheikh Mohammad Khayabani, Colonel Pesian, Mossadegh, Taleghani, and Masoud, to the Mujahideen and fighters, bear fruit. God willing, the future generations will be able to live properly and as the Iranian nation deserves.”  The Rezaei family, or the “Rezaees,” were among the families known in the field of political struggles, both before and after the revolution. And they had special respect among the people of Homeland, so that after the revolution of 1957, 25 Shahrivar Square was attributed to Rezaei Square, but after the conflict between the Islamic Republic and the People’s Mojahedin Organization , they changed its name to Haft Tir Square.