A father who himself and his children became members of the Mojahedin

Haj Khalil Rezaei, the father of the Rezais, has eight children from Mrs. Zahra Norouzi (Aziz Rezaei) named Ahmad, Reza, Fatemeh, Siddiqa, Mahdi, Mohin, Azar, and Abolqasem (Mohsen), all of whom were members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization ; all of them except Fatemeh and Mohsen Rezaei were killed at different times. Fatemeh and Mohsen Rezaei are now members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization and the National Council of Resistance of Homeland. Musa Khaibani, a member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, was the wife of Azar Rezaei, the daughter of Haj Khalil Rezaei, and Ali Zarkash, an official of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, was the wife of Mahin Rezaei, the daughter of Haj Khalil Rezaei. Musa Khabani was surrounded in a team house in Cpital in 1360 along with his wife, and they were martyred. Ali Zarkash was killed in the Forough Javidan operation.Haj Khalil Rezaei died on December 15, 2002 due to illness in a hospital in Pontoise, Paris.