Margins of the funeral ceremony of Reza Davodenjad

The facade, made of bricks and windows, stretches from one side of the frame to near infinity. Over this intriguing scene, Farrokhzad’s voice slowly reads the names of the days of the week again and again: “Saturday . . . Sunday . . . Monday . . .” and so on. The world of The House Is Black seems to revolve around the cyclical time of the myth and not a progressive one, and that, too, is a messenger of horror.The 1969 documentary The Wind of Jinn, by Nasser Taghvai, brings together our two themes, the ruined built structure and the body. The Wind of Jinn’s opening scene is of waves from the sea hitting a harbor town that appears to be emptied of its inhabitants. Mixing with the sound of waves is the sound of wind.