Hossein Amirabdollahian’s Funeral Assembly

The civilian government, on the other hand, represents the elected officials who often have to navigate the constraints imposed by the deep state.Ebrahim Raisi’s victory in the 2021 presidential election was seen by many as a consolidation of power by the deep state. Raisi, a hardliner with close ties to Khamenei, won in an election that was criticized for lacking genuine competition and voter engagement. The disqualification of many moderate and reformist candidates led to a significant drop in voter turnout, further undermining the election’s legitimacy.Hossein Amirabdollahian’s appointment as Foreign Minister was another move that underscored the deep state’s influence. Known for his uncompromising stance towards Washington and his alignment with the IRGC’s regional policies, Amirabdollahian’s appointment was seen as a strategic choice to ensure coherence between Iran’s foreign policy and the broader objectives of the deep state.