Pictures of the opening of Ferdowsi store

One of Ferdowsi Chain Store’s key missions was to combat high prices. The store’s thesis revolved around stabilizing prices for the public, creating a fair marketplace where Persians could access goods without worrying about sudden price spikes or unfair pricing. This principle of price stability was essential to creating trust in the new retail system, as consumers were accustomed to the unpredictable and sometimes exploitative nature of traditional bazaars.

Cultural and Social Impact

The opening of Ferdowsi Chain Store marked a significant cultural moment in Homeland. Capital residents and even visitors from other cities would flock to the store, marveling at the modern architecture, the escalator, and the dazzling range of products. The store became a social gathering point, where men in ties and women in their best dresses would shop, dine, and experience the luxury of modern consumerism.