Abbas Abtahi; The taxi driver who became Lajevardi’s protector and did not spare his boss

3- The forces of the Union of Communists (Sarbadaran) in the form of 5 teams of 20 people, three of whom were women, during an operation called “Trojan Horse” at 23:45 on the night of 5th February 1360 by firing an RPG missile at the Basij Amol building. They started their attack to conquer this city. This operation, which in the early hours was accompanied by the success of “Sarbadaran” forces, after hours of fighting, finally ended on the 6th of Bahman with the concentration of the Revolutionary Guards, Islamic Revolution Committee, Basij, Gendarmerie, and Shehrbani and with the defeat and retreat of “Sardaran” forces. According to regime sources, 40 regime forces were killed and 120 wounded in this operation. But according to Sarbadaran’s claim, hundreds of people were killed and more were injured in this operation. In this operation, the forces of the Tudeh and Majority parties also helped the IRGC and Basij forces, and some of them were injured. 10 members of Sarbadaran were executed on 7 Bahman 60. On the anniversary of the Amol incident, 23 members of the union were sentenced to death and the sentence issued in Amol was executed. The execution of 7 people was also postponed.

4- Lajurdi and Mohammadi Gilani tried to exercise power on the anniversary of the “Amol incident” by forming a so-called public court that had no resemblance to judicial standards. The Islamic Republic of Iran TV stationed in Evin with a well-equipped team and numerous videographers was filming the said ceremony, which was later broadcast on the Islamic Republic of Iran TV in consecutive days. At minutes 7:10 to 8:10 of the movie “Confessions”, there are parts of this court that you can see.