Seyyed Abbas, like all of Lajurdi’s relatives, participated in the execution squads and was responsible for shooting women. One of the stages of the security check of people close to Lajurdi was to go through this stage and participate in torture and murder.
Until the day when Lajordi was removed from Tehran’s Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office, Seyyed Abbas was always by his side while wearing a holster on his waist or carrying a hand machine gun. Seyyed Abbas accompanied Lajurdi’s visits to Qazalhasar and Gohardasht prisons and war fronts.
Seyed Abbas Abtahi, first on the right, with Lajordi and Hajdavoud Rahmani, second on the left
Since Seyyed Abbas was tall and wore a green shawl around his waist and wore a white garment imitating lapis lazuli, he had an outstanding face. The mentioned coins were brought by Mojtaba Mihrab Begi, who was a Golpayegani, and he and his brothers were among the lots and lots of Imam Hossein Square, as souvenirs from Golpayegani, and Lajordi’s relatives used them. Seyyed Abbas would put the clay on his fingers and walk while dragging his feet on the ground, and he would talk and draw the words in the same way. He tried to show humor like Majid Qudousi and Jalil Bandeh.